
Home office or back to the office: Where do you prefer to work?

ARD-alpha’s daily talk revolves around this core question and other exciting topics. In discussion with Dr. Yvonne Lott, they weigh up what the working methods of the future will look like. Numerous viewers express their opinions and ask questions – debating points such as spatial separation, making agreements and enabling informal exchanges between colleagues.
And where do you prefer to work? Here’s the video: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/tagesgespraech/homeoffice-oder-zurueck-ins-buero-wo-arbeiten-sie-lieber/ard-alpha/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL3ZpZGVvL2UyNGIyN2RjLWE5MTQtNDA5OS04YWQ0LThjYjY4ZTk0OTRlOA/

#kaluscheconsulting #homeoffice #future #work #kalusche #consulting #newwork



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